Donor - Advised Funds

Establishing a planned gift creates a charitable legacy that ensures our district delivers on its promise of exceptional teachers and extraordinary students well into the future. Establishing a donor-advised fund (also known as a Philanthropic Fund) allows you or your designee to make grants to a broad range of qualified charitable organizations without requirements for minimum annual charitable distributions.

Don’t forget to see if your company offers a matching gift program.

CEF Tax ID#: 75-2638646


A bequest in your will or trust agreement commits a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or the residue of your estate to a charitable purpose, such as public education. It’s never too early to set up a bequest and create a lasting legacy.

Gift of Life Insurance

With a gift of life insurance, you can create a large endowment, even if you don’t currently have the funds to do so. You can either name the Carroll Education Foundation as the beneficiary of the policy or use the policy to replace the amount of another donation.

To discuss these and other legacy gift options, please contact us at


We believe a great education begins and ends with great teachers, which is why Carroll Education Foundation is committed to funding ALL Dragon teachers!